Tag: Travel


How Transactional Relationships Harm Intimacy

Over the past few months, I constantly walked by Kristen Ghodsee’s Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence on the shelf at my library. I would pick it up, periodically, and flip through it, telling myself I’d check it out one day and read it. I finally checked it out last week and read it. Ghodsee lays her argument outset when … Read More How Transactional Relationships Harm Intimacy


The Importance of Roaming

When I was younger, I’d hope on my bike and ride around the neighborhood, going to the mall to play video games in the arcade or to the sports complex to play baseball or to the junior high to play basketball. I’d ride my bike through neighborhoods, my Walkman blaring Nirvana or Soundgarden or Stone Temple Pilots. I’d just roam, no set direction, no … Read More The Importance of Roaming