Category: Szymon Kudranski


The Dangers of Art in Szymon Kudrański’s “Something Epic”

Since its debut earlier this year, I have really enjoyed Szymon Kudrański’s Something Epic. Specifically, I enjoy Kudrański’s exploration of the creation and role of art in lives, the ways that art informs us and tells us more about the world we inhabit. I’ve written multiple posts about Kudrański’s series, exploring the ways we use words and imagination to create worlds and the ways that our subconscious … Read More The Dangers of Art in Szymon Kudrański’s “Something Epic”


Sleep, Dreams, and Imagination in Szymon Kudranski’s “Something Epic”

Sometimes, right before I wake up, I hear sounds. The sound arrives in my mind, I wake up, and then the sound occurs in my ears. This all takes place in a split second, the recognition of the sound, a beat, then the actual sound. I’m not a neuroscientist, and I can’t explain it. However, I think they are Hypnopompic Hallucinations, events that register in … Read More Sleep, Dreams, and Imagination in Szymon Kudranski’s “Something Epic”


Words and Reality in Szymon Kudranski’s “Something Epic”

Last post, I wrote about reality in Szymon Kudranski’s Something Epic #1. Today I want to continue that discussion by looking at the beginning of issue #2 where Danny confronts his mother’s cancer diagnosis and discusses the semiotic nature of words, specifically the manner in which words only represent a part of reality, not the whole. When we read words on the page, we … Read More Words and Reality in Szymon Kudranski’s “Something Epic”


Reality in Szymon Kudranski’s “Something Epic”

Being so far away from my comic book store, I only go and get my pulls every three to four weeks. Whenever I go in, I look around for anything new. I never know what’s coming out, unlsess I see someone mention it on Twitter or something, and I like it that way. Instead, I look around or ask someone if anything good just … Read More Reality in Szymon Kudranski’s “Something Epic”