Category: Pedagogy


Students and My Trip to the ICU!

“Dad! DAD! Daaaaaaad. . . ” As I lay in my bed in the CVICU last week, I could not sleep. Partly because of the medicine I was on for my pneumonia, but also because the screams from another room, one which I could not see, penetrated the air. At various times throughout the night, I heard a man scream out for his dad … Read More Students and My Trip to the ICU!


The Elevator Pitch in the Composition and Literature Classroom 

During the spring semester, I taught three freshman composition courses, and even though each course was a little different, I had all three do a proposal essay as one of their paper assignments. I have done this type of assignment before, and typically it’s been hit or miss with how well students do with writing their proposals. For the most part, I tell them … Read More The Elevator Pitch in the Composition and Literature Classroom